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Translations for the pharmaceutical medical sectors

Medical translation AND obligation of the utmost accuracy

Translation in the medical and pharmaceutical sectors requires targeted and accurate work in order to provide precise information. It is important that your users make use of your drug or medical device correctly and that your credibility as a manufacturer is not undermined.

The long experience in medical, scientific and pharmaceutical translations enables the network of professionals, who collaborate with the “Barbara Cupiti – Studio Servizi Linguistici”, to work with the utmost precision and scientific rigor. Their knowledge of the language is combined with a thorough understanding of the subject to give, as a result, a text which is not only correct from a grammatical point of view but also correct for its medical and pharmaceutical approach.

The high quality of our translations is guaranteed by long-standing collaborations that we have with specialized mother tongue translators, accustomed to working with precision, professionalism and on time.

But what are the cases where a professional translation in the medical and pharmaceutical fields is necessary?

There are many cases in which a professional pharmaceutical and medical translation is necessary: certainly, one of the most common cases is the translation of the “user information leaflet”, which must be done with great know-how, given the importance of written information and the public to which it is addressed.

But, our translation services are not limited to the translation of user information leaflet.

Below are some examples of the medical documents that the “Barbara Cupiti – Studio Servizi Linguistici” translates:

  • clinical reports,
  • sector studies,
  • pharmaceutical reference manuals
  • medical records
  • international patents.
  • brochures and information leaflets
  • informed consent forms
  • conference documentation
  • manuals for medical and electro-medical devices

As you can easily imagine from this list, an expert and professional translation in the medical and pharmaceutical industry is crucial.

Our translations will be done, not only by working on the text in question, but also by studying the public to which they refer. In fact, if we translate advertising content, we will need to use a simpler and more user-friendly language. If, on the other hand, we are addressing to a professionals audience, it will be necessary to use correct and competent medical and pharmaceutical language, which can make them understand the professionalism of the translated message.

Whatever your need, “Barbara Cupiti – Studio Servizi Linguistici” will be able to offer you a translation consistent with the goal to be achieved.

The “Barbara Cupiti – Studio Servizi Linguistici” also offers an interpreting service both in person and in videoconferencing to assist medical staff at conferences, congresses, seminars, webinars, recorded videos with subtitles or dubbed, or in any other event and occasion in which professional simultaneous or consecutive translation is required.

Contact us for a free of charge quote for your medical or pharmaceutical translations.AND

Settore medico